5 Special Things to Do for your Mom or Wife on Mother's Day

The history of Mother’s Day can be traced back to ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals for their mother goddesses. In the early 20th century, Anna Jarvis started an American incarnation of this celebration. After several campaigns and movement, Mother’s Day became an official US holiday as a way of honoring the sacrifices mothers made for their children.
From then on, the celebration of Mother’s Day around the world varies depending on the country and its culture. In some countries, families gather to sing and eat a large feast, while there are others who have a three-day celebration honoring motherhood.
All these festivities have one thing in common: love and honor for mothers. Every one of us comes from a woman, who once risked her own life just to give you the world. We owe her the gift of life; a precious gift no one can give except her.
That is why it’s hard to find a special gift for someone who gave us everything. But don’t worry, here are 5 special things to do on Mother’s Day. You would be surprised at how something so simple could be so special and meaningful to her.
- Help her out with household chores.
- Buy something she'll love.
- Cook something special for her.
- Let her relax and pamper.
- Give family time and have fun.
Things To Do on Mother's Day - Help her out with household chores.
Moms do most, if not all, of the household chores every single day. From the moment she wakes up, there’s an imaginary to-do list that needs to be done right away. She’s the meal planner, handy (wo)man, laundry lady, cleaning service and more. These tiring jobs every mom does are done for free.
If you’ve never helped out, you can start helping her with her household chores beginning this Mother’s Day. Start by cleaning your room and folding your clothes properly. You can also wash the dishes instead of just throwing it in the sink. Pick up the toys, all the messy things around the house and don’t forget to organize your puzzles pieces when not in use. She’ll surely thank you for your sweet effort.
Things To Do on Mother's Day - Buy something she'll love.
She always makes sure everyone gets gifts during holidays, sometimes even forgetting to get something for her own. If you have the financial means to make her feel special this Mother’s Day, then buy her something she’ll love.
If your mom or wife has a garden, a set of succulent plants would be a wonderful addition to it. Succulent plants are easy to take care of. If she loves puzzles, get her a large puzzle board to help her organize and keep the pieces together. Another great gift is a subscription to her favorite magazine; she’ll remember you whenever she gets a copy of it every month.You can get her a customized mug or tumbler for her morning coffee or an Amazon gift certificate if she loves online shopping.
Tip: All these gift ideas are best given with a handwritten appreciation card for her. Go for something short and sweet.
Things To Do on Mother's Day - Cook something special for her.
For dads out there, a good morning kiss with a simple breakfast in bed is sweet and romantic. No need to be grandiose; bacon, egg, bread and a cup of her favorite coffee will do. For kids and teens who don’t know how to cook, you can help your mom while she cooks and set-up the dining table. If you really want to cook a delicious mother’s day dinner, call dad and plan a special meal for mom. She will surely appreciate your love and effort even if it’s not as savory. It’s the thought that counts.
For moms who are reading this, everything you cook is already special. No any restaurant can top that. You can cook any of your favorite meal to celebrate this holiday. Sometimes, it’s not about the food that makes a meal special, it’s about the people gathered around the table sharing good stories and laughs.
Things To Do on Mother's Day - Let her relax and pamper.
For mothers who are taking care of young kids, they sometimes forget to take care of themselves. They forget that they too have hobbies and interest. They forget to have fun with friends. Some even forget to take care of themselves!
So on this special day, let her take a day-off to relax. Perhaps some time at the beach would be good for her. Or take her to the spa, book a yoga class, or a surprise trip to salon for a new cut, hair color or blowout. Self-care is important for moms to remind them that their needs are important too. Pampering leads to overall health benefits, relaxation and prevent chronic stress.
Things To Do on Mother's Day - Give family time and have fun.
Quoting the famous author Rick Warren about the importance of time, “Time is the most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back.” You don’t need a fancy gift or a 5-star meal to make your mom or wife special this Mother’s Day. All you need is TIME.
If you want to spend less, you can stay at home and watch her favorite mother’s day movie. Play a family board game like puzzles using a board organizer. Jigsaw puzzles are considered as the best puzzle games for kids and adults, as it helps developmental growth and emotional bond with the whole family. With a portable jigsaw puzzle board, you can go out and have a family bonding, picnic and puzzle playtime anywhere.
In fact, one does not really need Mother’s Day to make her feel special. But it certainly feels special if there’s an extra effort to celebrate and acknowledge her role in our lives by setting aside one holiday just for her.
Happy Mother’s Day, everyone!